Singula Bio approach

Singula Bio has established methods that enable T cell therapies in ovarian and other solid malignancies. The aim is to provide individualised T cell therapies for cancer patients using a patient’s own tumour-specific immune cells. 

In a tumour, cancer cells carry mutations that appear foreign to one’s body and, therefore, our immune system react to these mutations. One strong form of an immune reaction is through generating mutation-specific cells called “T cells”. These cells attack tumour cells carrying mutations to eliminate them. However, T cells can become exhausted for a variety of reasons and this results in their failure to kill cancer cells. Singula Bio’s approach aims to identify tumour specific T cells, expand them outside the body and then deliver them back to fight the tumour.  A big challenge is to know which T cells are tumour-specific and which are not. Singula Bio has established novel methods for accurate identification and expansion of these tumour-specific T cells.

Singula Bio science